Core Curriculum » 4th Grade

4th Grade


Fourth graders continue to read many types of texts - literary, informational, and practical. Through reading they can make connections with situations beyond their own experience. They read silently for extended periods of time for pleasure and for information. Fourth graders bring more organization and detail to their writing. They use prewriting activities, revise their writing for meaning, and edit for grammar.

Word Analysis and Vocabulary Development:
* Apply phonics knowledge and structural analysis when reading text 
* Use pronunciation, sentence meaning, and story meaning to understand text 
* Use word analysis (synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, analogies, idioms, similes, metaphors) to construct meaning

Reading Comprehension:
* Use topic sentences, bold print, italics, as well as pictures, diagrams and maps for clues about story content 
* Skim and scan to locate specific answers 
* Identify the main idea and supporting details 
* Identify setting and time period of the story 
* Sequence, predict, confirm, and summarize

Literacy Response and Analysis:
* Gain meaning and respond to a variety of literature styles; legends, myths, fantasy, poetry, newsprint, and pieces emphasizing cultural diversity 
* Describe emotional responses of the main characters 
* Describe the plot development of the story 
* Deal with character development by recognizing dilemmas and problems 
* Predict outcomes of the story based on characters' behavior

* Use the five step writing process - prewriting, drafting, editing, revising, publishing 
* Write a complete paragraph 
* Write a creative story which includes an introduction, problem and solution 
* Demonstrate the use of organization, detail, and sequence in narrative writing 
* Write a friendly letter using correct punctuation and format 
* Edit and revise written work 
* Understand and use basic punctuation and capitalization rules 
* Identify all parts of speech 
* Show agreement between subject and predicate 
* Differentiate between plurals and possessives 
* Share and discuss writing with peers and adults 
* Demonstrate a mastery of manuscript and cursive writing which is legible and neat 
* Know basic spelling rules 
* Identify correct spelling including irregular spellings and contractions 
* Use a dictionary, glossary, and thesaurus 
* Use reference materials including encyclopedias, maps and atlases 
* Use a library system to access books and materials 
* Use the internet to access information 
* Publish a story or report using word processing

Listening and Speaking:
* Read orally with fluency and expression 
* Prepare for and give oral presentations 
* Remain on topic in a discussion 
* Express complete thoughts when retelling 
* Show respectful behavior in small and large group discussion 
* Restate and then follow complex directions

Our math program is designed to help students to master basic mathematical skills and to foster the development of logical thinking skills and problem solving.

Number Sense:
* Add, subtract any groups of numbers, using appropriate steps 
* Know multiplication facts to 12 
* Multiply 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers 
* Divide whole numbers using one digit divisors (with remainders) 
* Read, write, count, order, and compare place value to 1,000,000 
* Estimate and round to 1,000 
* Understand prime numbers, factors, multiples 
* Add / subtract fractions with common denominators 
* Introduce lowest common denominator 
* Add / subtract simple decimals 
* Understand place value of whole numbers and decimals (tenths and hundredths) and how they relate to fractions

Measurement and Geometry:
* Understand and use perimeter and area (apply correct formulas) 
* Understand symmetry and congruence 
* Recognize geometric shapes and introduce space figures 
* Introduce angles (right, acute, and obtuse) 
* Use a ruler to measure to the nearest quarter inch 
* Know parallel, perpendicular lines and diameter of circles 
* Tell time to minute

Algebra and Functions:
* Use and interpret mathematical symbols to create and solve equations 
* Use coordinate grids to find locations 
* Find "missing number" in incomplete equations

Statistics and Probability:
* Be able to collect, organize, represent, and present data and clearly communicate findings (number lines, graphs, tables, charts) 
* Make predictions for simple probability situations

Problem Solving, Reasoning and Communication:
* Make decisions about how to approach problems by choosing the correct applications to reach solutions 
* Use strategies, skills, and concepts in finding solutions 
* Communicate mathematical thinking orally and in writing using symbols, words, and pictures to represent process 
* Apply strategies to real situations

California History and Geography:

* Regions 
* Native Americans 
* Missions 
* Gold Rush 
* Development of the West

* Continents 
* Oceans 
* Map skills 
* Longitude and latitude 
* Location, using coordinates 
* Research 
* Report writing 
* Basic world knowledge
Our goal in the science program is to develop ecologically aware students who have an appreciation and enjoyment of science through:

* Knowledge of the scientific process 
* Integration of science with other curricular areas 
* Common scientific vocabulary 
* Common core of knowledge 
* Hands on approach to scientific discovery 
* Application of science and technology 
* Knowledge and respect for hazardous materials

* Electricity 
* Atoms

* Solar System 
* Water

* Animal and plant structures

Fourth graders participate in the study of the violin. This provides them with basic understanding of the language of music.

Art is offered in the classroom weekly as a formal study. It is incorporated in all the subject areas offering a varied opportunity to experience different mediums and crafts.

Students participate in weekly activities in P.E. that offer a balanced program designed to promote muscle
development, coordination and balance.

* Basic motor skills 
* Proper exercise techniques 
* Game skills 
* Individual and team sports 
* Sportsmanship

Your child will have an opportunity to participate in several special programs, including:

* Computer education, lab or classroom 
* Library 
* Art Docents