2nd Grade
Second graders begin to set their own purpose for reading. They discuss and express ideas orally or in writing on literary, informational, and practical materials. They read independently for extended periods of time. In writing, they learn to use detail and bring organization to their writing. They produce writing and artwork to reflect personal response and understanding of text.
Word Analysis and Vocabulary Development
* Recognize consonants and vowels (long and short)
* Recognize initial consonant blends
* Hear and segment initial and final phonemes
* Hear separate words and recognize rhyming words
* Hear syllables
Reading Comprehension
* Observe punctuation when reading
* Sequence events to gain meaning
* Identify the main idea
* Identify problem / solution
* Determine cause and effect
* Predict and summarize
Literacy Response and Analysis
* Identify beginning, middle, end of story
* Identify main characters, settings, plot
* Show empathy and connection with the characters
* Generate alternative plots or endings
* Compare and contrast
* Recognize author style
* Gain an appreciation of poetry
* Learn patterns of literature / poetry such as: rhythm, rhyme, and repetition
* Respond to literature through projects - puppets, art, plays
* Use prewriting techniques to organize writing
* Create a simple letter or story
* Produce stories with a beginning, middle, and end
* Expand sentences with detail
* Edit with adult guidance
* Punctuate using end of sentence punctuation, commas and quotation marks
* Introduction of nouns, verbs, and adjectives
* Capitalize the beginning of a sentence and proper nouns
* Show agreement between subject and predicate (verb)
* Print legibly with proper spacing of letters, words, and sentences
* Increase spelling knowledge of high frequency and patterned words (word families)
* Alphabetize to the second letter
* Use a primary dictionary
* Gain familiarity with maps and atlases
* Publish written work on a computer
Listening and Speaking
* Listen to a story of 15 - 20 minute duration
* Speak loudly and clearly to be heard and understood
* Read aloud
* Share information with peers through discussion, projects or class meetings
* Remain focused on topic when speaking
* Distinguish between questions and statements
* Retell or paraphrase information
* Give and follow 3 step directions
Our program is structured to teach basic math skills and foster development of logical thinking and problem solving skills.
Number Sense
* Add and subtract 0 - 18
* Make up simple stories using addition and subtraction
* Read, write, count, order, and compare place value to 100
* Recognize odd and even numbers
* Add and subtract 2 and 3 digit numbers with regrouping
* Make reasonable estimates
* Understand ordinal / cardinal numbers
* Money: count change, adding and subtracting amounts of money using correct symbols
* Sequencing, greater than, less than
* Count by 2's, 3's, 5's, 10's (skip counting)
* Identify one more than, one less than (2-20)
Measurement and Geometry
* Use standard and non standard measurements
* Tell time to hour, half hour and quarter hour
* Recognize names and compare unit fractions (1/2, 1/3, 1/4)
* Know shapes including multi-sided polygons
* Calculate weight
* Introduce terms: length, area, perimeter
* Read calendar
* Use appropriate abbreviations (in., ft., yd., cm., m.)
Algebra and Functions
* Produce graphs (bar, Venn diagram, etc.) using survey charts
* Record, sort, organize, and display data
* Predict outcomes
Statistics, Data Analysis and Probability
* Explain ideas verbally and in writing
* Identify same and different characteristics
* Sort and classify collections
* Create a chart based on classifications
* Interpret information from a chart
* Create bar graphs and Venn diagrams
* Interpret information from bar graphs and Venn diagrams
* Experience probability by trial and error
Problem Solving and Reasoning
* Mentally solve mathematical problems
* Create mathematical problems
* Communicate using correct mathematical vocabulary
Our Community
* Community of Los Gatos
* People upon whom we depend
Life in other Countries
* Children of other lands
* Qualities
* Rights
* Laws
Our goal in the science program is to develop ecologically aware students who have an appreciation and knowledge of science through:
* Knowledge of the scientific process
* Integration of science with other curricular areas
* Common scientific vocabulary
* Common core of knowledge
* Hands on approach to scientific discovery
* Application of science and technology
* Knowledge and respect for hazardous materials
Matter and Energy
* Magnets
* Properties and States of Matter
Earth - Weather
* Classification of living organisms
* Water/Air
* Dairy Council Unit on Hygiene and Nutrition
Singing, music appreciation and rhythmic movement are part of the music program. Art is an on-going program provided by the classroom teacher. It includes a variety of activities using several mediums and crafts.
Our students participate in a balanced program designed to promote muscle development, coordination and balance. A variety of activities help student practice:
* Basic motor skills
* Rhythm and dance
* Individual and team sports
* Sportsmanship
Your child will have an opportunity to participate in several special programs, including:
* Computer education, lab or classroom
* Library
* Art Docents