Core Curriculum » 3rd Grade

3rd Grade


Third graders read many types of texts - literary, informational, and practical. They use a variety of reading strategies to construct meaning from text. They read silently for extended periods of time for pleasure and for information. Third graders learn to write a variety of poetry and prose and can support their ideas with references to their reading. They will use rewriting activities, revise their writing for meaning, and edit for grammar.

Word Analysis and Vocabulary Development:
* Use phonics knowledge (e.g., initial and final consonants, consonant blends, digraphs, long and short vowels, rhyming words) to decode words when reading text 
* Use structural analysis (e.g., knowledge of syllables, prefixes, suffixes, root words) to decode words when reading text 
* Use syllabication generalizations to divide words correctly 
* Recognize compound words 
* Use synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms 
* Use word knowledge and context clues to discover
meaning of unfamiliar words 
* Compare simple analogy statements / relationship of paired words 
* Understand commonly used idioms and multiple
meanings of words 
* Develop understanding of new words related to literary genre and other content reading

Reading Comprehension:
* Read narrative informational text as a primary learning strategy 
* Preview selections by using titles, headings, pictures, photographs, highlighted words and captions to think about information prior to reading 
* Define and distinguish between the topic, the main idea, and details 
* Identify correct sequence and summarize a short selection 
* Answer recall questions regarding specific detail 
* Interpret author's meaning through figurative language, distinguishing between fact and fiction, identifying character traits and feelings, inferring cause and effect, drawing conclusions 
* Connect personal experiences and prior knowledge with the text

Literacy Response and Analysis:
* Recognize and discuss various kinds of literature 
* Identify and analyze major story elements (plot, setting, story, and characters) 
* Show evidence of using comprehension strategies (e.g., prediction, sequencing, summarizing, problem/conflict, solution, and character analysis) 
* Participate in a variety of oral reading experiences 
* Recognize rhythm patterns in poetry

* Use the five step process: pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, publishing 
* Identify the topic sentence in a passage 
* Write a paragraph which includes a topic sentence, at least four supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence 
* Write a friendly letter using correct punctuation and format 
* Write a creative story which includes introduction, problem, and solution 
* Edit and revise written work with adult and peer input 
* Capitalize and punctuate properly 
* Identify parts of speech (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs) 
* Show agreement between subject and predicate 
* Differentiate between plurals and possessives 
* Identify complete sentences from fragments and run-ons 
* Share and discuss writing with peers and adults 
* Demonstrate mastery of manuscript writing (printing) and learn to use cursive writing 
* Increase spelling proficiency by learning basic phonics and spelling rules 
* Alphabetize to the third letter 
* Use a dictionary and learn to use guide words 
* Use reference materials including encyclopedias, maps, and atlases 
* Use a library system to access books and materials 
* Publish a story or report using word processing

* Work in small groups to make presentations 
* Give oral presentations

Our math program is designed to teach basic skills, and to foster the development of logical thinking skills and problem solving skills.

Number Sense:
* Add, subtract 4 digit numbers with regrouping 
* Know multiplication facts to 10 
* Multiply three place numbers by one number (342 x 3) 
* Perform simple division problems 
* Understand vocabulary related division 
* Read, write and count, order and compare place value to 10,000. Estimate and round to 1000 
* Understand the relationship of the four basic mathematical
* Recognize fractions, add and subtract fractions with common denominators 
* Add and subtract simple decimals

Measurement and Geometry:
* Estimate and find area and perimeter. 
* Understand simple unit conversions ( eg. minutes - hours, centimeters - meters) 
* Know and use units of measurement in metric system 
* Use standard measurement 
* Tell time to the minute 
* Know geometric terms: symmetry, size, angle, congruent, location 
* Identify, name, describe: polygons, quadrilaterals, triangles, and circles 
* Be familiar with Celsius and Fahrenheit thermometers 
* Identify and count bills and coins. Make change and read money

Algebra and Functions:
* Fill in missing numbers and operation signs in addition and subtraction, multiplication, and division 
* Identify greater than and less than, equal to, and use appropriately 
* Understand and express relationships between number facts and their families 
* Be able to recognize, describe, and continue numeric and linear patterns

Statistics, Data Analysis and Probability:
* Classify, record, and summarize results of probability experience 
* Collect, display, and analyze data on a bar graph 
* Be able to interpret data on a bar, line, pie graph and Venn diagram

Problem Solving, Reasoning and Communication:
* Use mental math to do problems quickly without paper or pencil 
* Be able to evaluate the reasonableness of an answer 
* Communicate mathematical thinking orally and in writing by using pictures, symbols, words, and numbers 
* Apply math skills to word problems

* Oceans, Rivers, Forests, Plains, Mountains, and Deserts 
* How geography affects plants, animals, and people who live in these regions

Native Americans:
* Kwakiuti 
* Cheyenne 
* Navajo

Settling the Land:
* Plymouth 
* Life in the Eastern Forest 
* The Wilderness Road 
* Passages to the West 
* An Early Prairie Town 
* Life in a Mining Community

Our goal in the science program is to develop ecologically aware students who have an appreciation and enjoyment of science through:

* Knowledge of the scientific process 
* Integration of science with other curricular areas 
* Common scientific vocabulary 
* Common core of knowledge 
* Hands on approach to scientific discovery 
* Application of science and technology 
* Knowledge and respect for hazardous materials

* Heat 
* Light 
* Sound

* Geology 
* Erosion 
* Metamorphic 
* Igneous 
* Sedimentary 
* Aggregates 
* Mineral 
* Core 
* Mantle 
* Crust 
* Weathering

* Ecosystems 
* Adaptations

Music and art are year round activities that are included in all grade level programs. Sing-alongs, creating one's own songs and music appreciation are stressed. Art is conducted by the classroom teacher and offers a variety of art and crafts, not only in the formal art class, but as an enrichment to the daily curriculum.

Students participate weekly in a formal P.E. class and at other times through the week with the classroom teacher. Our program is a balanced one designed to promote muscle development, coordination, and balance. The program includes:

* Basic motor skills 
* Game skills 
* Rhythm and dance 
* Individual and team sport skills 
* Sportsmanship

Your child will have an opportunity to participate in several special programs, including:

* Computer education, lab or classroom 
* Library 
* Art Docents