Mrs. Glanville's and Mrs. Schubert's 2nd Grade Class
To visit Ms. Glanville and Ms. Schubert's shared website - Click here!
Welcome to Room 6
We're so happy to be a part of your child's life this year. We look forward to a year of learning and growing! OUr webpage is under construction. Please refer to our weekly email, "This Week In Room 6" for the latest happenings.
Weekly Newsletter:
Back To School Night:
If you are unable to attend Back to School Night, here is an overview of our evening:
Calendar Items
Oct. 7 Professional Development - No School
Oct. 21 - 25 Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 25 Pumpkin Patch (5:30 - 8:30)
Oct. 31 Halloween Parade (8:30)
Nov. 4 - 8 Parent Conferences/Minimum Day/Book Fair
Nov. 11 Veteran's Day - No School
Nov. 27 - 29 Thanksgiving Holiday
Homework Policy:
Behavior Plan:
Printable base ten manipulative, for help with regrouping in addition and subtraction.
Helpful links:
Khan Academy
Why is reading aloud to our children so important? Here are two related links and a book list.
Raz Kids
Scholastic Book Clubs
Read Aloud
Book LIst
Character Traits
No Excuse words are those words students are expected to spell correctly in their daily writing. The link below is a list of First and Second Grade No Excuse Words. Please hold your child accountable for spelling these words correctly while completing thier homework. Thank you!
No Excuse Words
This first trimester we will be studying insects and plants.
Painted Lady Life Cycle
Life Cycle Game
Fast Plants
Welcome to Room 6
We're so happy to be a part of your child's life this year. We look forward to a year of learning and growing! OUr webpage is under construction. Please refer to our weekly email, "This Week In Room 6" for the latest happenings.
Weekly Newsletter:
Back To School Night:
If you are unable to attend Back to School Night, here is an overview of our evening:
Calendar Items
Oct. 7 Professional Development - No School
Oct. 21 - 25 Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 25 Pumpkin Patch (5:30 - 8:30)
Oct. 31 Halloween Parade (8:30)
Nov. 4 - 8 Parent Conferences/Minimum Day/Book Fair
Nov. 11 Veteran's Day - No School
Nov. 27 - 29 Thanksgiving Holiday
Homework Policy:
Behavior Plan:
Printable base ten manipulative, for help with regrouping in addition and subtraction.
Helpful links:
Khan Academy
Why is reading aloud to our children so important? Here are two related links and a book list.
Raz Kids
Scholastic Book Clubs
Read Aloud
Book LIst
Character Traits
No Excuse words are those words students are expected to spell correctly in their daily writing. The link below is a list of First and Second Grade No Excuse Words. Please hold your child accountable for spelling these words correctly while completing thier homework. Thank you!
No Excuse Words
This first trimester we will be studying insects and plants.
Painted Lady Life Cycle
Life Cycle Game
Fast Plants